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CeroCaida Rinse Balsam - 12.3 fl oz

The fall of the hair is produced mostly by weaknesses of the hairy leather, caused for: the dandruff, seborrhea and dehydration of the capillary bulb. The shampoo anti fallen "CeroCaida" is a deep cleanser that neutralizes and it eliminates the alkaline residuals that are deposited in the hair after chemical processes. Thanks to their natural formula with essential active agents (Urtica Diotica, Cinnamoum & European Surges) they contribute deep hydrate to the root of the capillary bulb, it stops this way to help to the invigoration and growth of the hair, preventing the lost of the same one, stabilizing its natural pH.

CeroCaida Rinse Balsam

SKU: 125-03
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